Results for 'Tania Rebelo Costa Serra'

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  1.  44
    A travessia de Riobaldo Rosa, no Grande sertão: veredas, como um processo de individuação.Tania Rebelo Costa Serra - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 24:69-80.
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    Social capital in chronic disease: an ethnographic study.Davide Costa, Michele Andreucci, Nicola Ielapi, Umberto Marcello Bracale & Raffaele Serra - 2023 - Science and Philosophy 11 (2):29-50.
    Chronically ill conditions are particularly difficult to manage because of their impact both on the social and on the corporal sphere to such an extent as to involve a series of problems that negatively alter the quality of life of affected patients. Chronicity has also a considerable ef-fect on social capital. In the current literature, it is known that social capital may contribute to a range of advantages to people health. Chronic Venous Disease (CVD) includes several pathologi-cal alterations of the (...)
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    Abuso sexual intrafamiliar na perspectiva das relações conjugais e familiares.Maria Aparecida Penso, Liana Fortunato Costa, Tânia Mara Campos de Almeida & Maria Alexina Ribeiro - 2009 - Revista Aletheia 30:142-157.
    Esta pesquisa qualitativa buscou ampliar a discussão sobre o abuso sexual contra crianças e adolescentes perpetrado pelo próprio pai. Os sujeitos foram 4 famílias com crianças de 3 a 9 anos e uma adolescente de 13 anos. Os instrumentos: observações das interações e diálogos ocorridos durante o Grupo..
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    (1 other version)Leituras em educação - volume 9.Rodrigo da Costa Araujo, Cremilda Barreto Couto & Tania Cristina da C. Gregório - 2022 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 8.
    Leituras em Educação - volume 9 - coletânea composta por treze artigos, reúne textos de professores pesquisadores que, entre saberes e leituras, analisam a educação por meio de um instrumental teórico para verificar a maneira como ocorre o entrelace educação com outros saberes e áreas. A pluralidade que pode ser depreendida da configuração desta obra, e que se expande no sumário e nos artigos que a compõem, remete para a diversidade e profusão da leitura e da educação. Os capítulos se (...)
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    Semantic Processing in Bilingual Aphasia: Evidence of Language Dependency.Marco Calabria, Nicholas Grunden, Mariona Serra, Carmen García-Sánchez & Albert Costa - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  6.  23
    Leituras Em Educação Volume Onze.Cremilda Barreto Couto, Rodrigo da Costa Araújo & Tânia Cristina da Conceição Gregório - 2023 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 11.
    Em síntese, este décimo primeiro volume de Leituras em Educação que ora se apresenta trata de questões contemporâneasque avultam na produção pedagógica pós-moderna. Por meio de reflexões fundamentadas em estudos teóricos e analíticos, problematizam-se os diálogos da educação com a literatura infantojuvenil, com as tecnologias digitais e as metodologias ativas, com aexclusão social no contexto do ensino remoto, o uso do cinema como ferramenta pedagógica, a matemática na educação básica ea formação permanente do educador. Em especial, reflete-se sobre a leitura (...)
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    The Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Coaches’ Perception of Stress and Emotion Regulation Strategies.Giampaolo Santi, Alessandro Quartiroli, Sergio Costa, Selenia di Fronso, Cristina Montesano, Francesco Di Gruttola, Edoardo Giorgio Ciofi, Luana Morgilli & Maurizio Bertollo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The recent global outspread of the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the lives of people across multiple countries including athletes, coaches, and supporting staff. Along with everybody else, coaches found themselves constrained to an at-home self-isolation, which limited their ability to normally engage with their profession and to interact with their athletes. This situation may also have impacted their own psychological well-being. With this study, we explored coaches’ perceptions of stress in relation to their emotion regulation strategies depending upon their gender (...)
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    The Value Relevance of Reputation for Sustainability Leadership.Isabel Costa Lourenço, Jeffrey Lawrence Callen, Manuel Castelo Branco & José Dias Curto - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (1):17-28.
    This study investigates whether the market valuation of the two summary accounting measures, book value of equity and net income, is higher for firms with reputation for sustainability leadership, when compared to firms that do not enjoy such reputation. The results are interpreted through the lens of a framework combining signalling theory and resource-based theory, according to which firms signal their commitment to sustainability to influence the external perception of reputation. A firm’s reputation for being committed to sustainability is an (...)
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  9.  58
    A model theoretic approach to 'natural' reasoning.Newton C. A. da Costa & Steven French - 1993 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 7 (2):177-190.
    Abstract A general framework is proposed for accommodating the recent results of studies into ?natural? decision making. A crucial element of this framework is the notion of a ?partial structure?, recently introduced into the semantic approach to scientific theories. It is through the introduction of this element that connections can be made with certain problems regarding inconsistency and rationality in general.
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  10. Concept Possession, Experimental Semantics, and Hybrid Theories of Reference.James Genone & Tania Lombrozo - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (5):1-26.
    Contemporary debates about the nature of semantic reference have tended to focus on two competing approaches: theories which emphasize the importance of descriptive information associated with a referring term, and those which emphasize causal facts about the conditions under which the use of the term originated and was passed on. Recent empirical work by Machery and colleagues suggests that both causal and descriptive information can play a role in judgments about the reference of proper names, with findings of cross-cultural variation (...)
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  11. On the Explanatory Power of Indeterminate Probabilities.Jeffrey Helzner & Horacio Arlo-Costa - unknown
    Building on work that we reported at ISIPTA 2005 we revisit claims made by Fox and Tversky concerning their "comparative ignorance" hypothesis for decision making under uncertainty.
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  12.  90
    How Does the Market Value Corporate Sustainability Performance?Isabel Costa Lourenço, Manuel Castelo Branco, José Dias Curto & Teresa Eugénio - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 108 (4):417 - 428.
    This study provides empirical evidence on how corporate sustainability performance (CSP), as proxied by membership of the Dow Jones sustainability index, is reflected in the market value of equity. Using a theoretical framework combining institutional perspectives, stake-holder theory, and resource-based perspectives, we develop a set of hypotheses that relate the market value of equity to CSP. For a sample of North American firms, our preliminary results show that CSP has significant explanatory power for stock prices over the traditional summary accounting (...)
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  13.  41
    Partial Structures and the Logic of Azande.Newton da Costa & Steven French - 1995 - American Philosophical Quarterly 32 (4):325 - 339.
  14.  29
    Loving with a Vengeance: Mass-Produced Fantasies for Women.Betsy Draine & Tania Modleski - 1983 - Substance 11 (4):231.
  15. Social Norms, Rational Choice and Belief Change.Horacio Arlo-Costa & Arthur Paul Pedersen - unknown
    This article elaborates on foundational issues in the social sciences and their impact on the contemporary theory of belief revision. Recent work in the foundations of economics has focused on the role external social norms play in choice. Amartya Sen has argued in [Sen93] that the traditional rationalizability approach used in the theory of rational choice has serious problems accommodating the role of social norms. Sen's more recent work [Sen96, Sen97] proposes how one might represent social norms in the theory (...)
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  16. Studies in paraconsistent logic I: The dialectical principle of the unity of opposites.Newton C. A. Costa & Robert G. Wolf - 1980 - Philosophia 9 (2):189-217.
  17.  45
    On the problem of Jaskowski and the logic of Lukasiewicz.Jerzy Kotas & N. C. A. da Costa - 1978 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 7 (2):91-91.
  18.  31
    On paraconsistent deontic logic.Newton C. A. Da Costa & Walter A. Carnielli - 1986 - Philosophia 16 (3-4):293-305.
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  19.  21
    Empresas, Ditadura Civil Militar Brasileira e Centros de Memória e Documentação Corporativos: Um Estudo Exploratório.Alessandra de Sá Mello da Costa, Marcelo Almeida de Carvalho Silva & Carlos Arthur Vieira Monteiro - 2015 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 2 (1):122-144.
    De 1964 a 1985 o Brasil viveu sob um regime de governo ditatorial que de acordo com a historiografia mais recente foi sustentado, em grande parte, pela própria sociedade civil (MELO, 2012; COMISSÃO, 2014). Mais recentemente, a partir dos anos 1980, cresce o movimento de criação de espaços de memória corporativos com o objetivo de tornar pública a trajetória histórica das empresas (COSTA; SARAIVA, 2011). Dentre estes espaços, adquire relevância os Centros de Memória e documentação como lugares de armazenamento (...)
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  20.  49
    On the relevant systemsp andp* and some related systems.Ayda I. Arruda & Newton C. A. Costa - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (1-2):33 - 49.
    In this paper we study the systemsP andP * (see Arruda and da Costa,O paradoxo de Curry-Moh Shaw-Kwei, Boletim da Sociedade Matemtica de São Paulo 18 (1966)) and some related systems. In the last section, we prove that certain set theories havingP andP * as their underlying logics are non-trivial.
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  21.  43
    Geographical expansion and the reconfiguration of medical authority: Garcia de Orta’s Colloquies on the Simples and Drugs of India.Palmira Fontes da Costa - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (1):74-81.
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  22.  20
    Reconhecimento, religião e secularismo em Charles Taylor.Juliano Cordeiro da Costa Oliveira - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (1):e30758.
    O artigo objetiva investigar, à luz do filósofo Charles Taylor, a questão do reconhecimento dos sujeitos a partir da relação entre secularismo e religião. O fio condutor do pensamento de Taylor é o comunitarismo. Este se relaciona com a ideia de que o contexto das normas que regem uma sociedade deve ser o de uma comunidade que, em seus valores, práticas e instituições formam um horizonte constitutivo para a identidade de seus membros. Somente assim seria possível colocar as questões da (...)
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    La actualidad del esse en la metafísica tomista: perspectivas críticas.Manuel Alejandro Serra Pérez - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (3):129-152.
    One of the causes of the rebirth that the philosophy of being of Thomas Aquinas has been experiencing since the middle of the last century is, without a doubt, the impact of the studies carried out on this subject by the French medievalist, Étienne Gilson. Spurred on by the onto-theological critique of M. Heidegger, Gilson and other Thomists, made common cause to clarify the scope of the Heideggerian invective, which judged that Aquinas’s metaphysics of being would also have fallen into (...)
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    Editorial Inglês.Raphael Uchoa & Luciana Costa Lima Thomaz - 2019 - Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science 23.
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    Educação e emancipação na produção do conhecimento para além do pensamento abissal // Education and emancipation in the production of knowledge beyond abystal thought.Susane da Costa Waschinewski, Alex Sander da Silva & Monalisa Pivetta da Silva - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:020031.
    O presente ensaio tem como objetivo fazer uma reflexão acerca da educação e os desafios da ciência e da produção de conhecimento na busca de emancipação. Como trama de fundo, trazemos uma breve discussão sobre a produção de conhecimento na atualidade para além daquilo que Santos chama de “pensamento abissal”. Assim, num primeiro momento, pretende-se pensar a condição da educação na atualidade, isto é, discutir seus rumos em tempos de regressões políticas e econômicas. Em seguida, objetiva-se indicar a necessidade de (...)
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  26. On the Logic of Belief.Newton C. A. da Costa & Steven French - 1989 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 49 (3):431 - 446.
  27. Aquinas on the Existence of the Future: A Response to Gili.Damiano Costa - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (3):225-235.
    I defend my paper “Aquinas, Geach, and Existence”[1]against objections from Luca Gili, who argued that, according to Aquinas, future contingents do not enjoy genuine existence but exist in God’s mind only.[1] Damiano Costa, “Aquinas, Geach, and existence”, European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11, no. 3.
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    Hobbesian pessimism or Schopenhauerian mechanism: the construction of the individual in Thomas Hobbes and Arthur Schopenhauer.Patricia Costa da Silva Baehr - 2024 - Griot 24 (1):62-70.
    It is rare that we have Arthur Schopenhauer and Thomas Hobbes in the same publication, and when this occurs, it is usually aimed at exploring their dissenting political views. However, this study is based on the belief that both philosophers have significant similarities in their theories about the creation of the individual as a human being. Schopenhauer and Hobbes have, in their constructions, the pessimistic view of human nature and, furthermore, there are prominent similarities in the construction of the human (...)
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    Decolonizing higher education pedagogy: Insights from critical, collaborative professionalism in practice.Peter I. De Costa, Laxmi Prasad Ojha, Vashti Wai Yu Lee & D. Philip Montgomery - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (8):784-800.
    Building on the long-standing tradition of challenging oppression and questioning whose interests are being served in the field of language education, we report on a study that involved a group of U.S.-based graduate students who collaborated with a ninth-grade English teacher in Nepal. The study comes out of a larger project that sought to internationalize the curriculum of a graduate educational linguistics course at a U.S. university. At the heart of this internationalizing curriculum endeavour was a commitment to expose graduate (...)
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    Breaking down (and moving beyond) novelty as a trigger of curiosity.Emily G. Liquin & Tania Lombrozo - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e106.
    The Novelty Seeking Model (NSM) places “novelty” at center stage in characterizing the mechanisms behind curiosity. We argue that the NSM's conception of novelty is too broad, obscuring distinct constructs. More critically, the NSM underemphasizes triggers of curiosity that better unify these constructs and that have received stronger empirical support: those that signal the potential for useful learning.
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    Freedom as Non‐Domination and Widespread Prejudice.M. Victoria Costa - 2019 - Metaphilosophy 50 (4):441-458.
    This paper offers an answer to an objection to Phillip Pettit’s neo‐republican account of freedom as non‐domination raised by Sharon Krause. The objection is that widespread prejudice, such as systemic racism or sexism, generates significant obstacles to individuals’ free agency but that neo‐republicanism fails to explain why these obstacles reduce freedom. This is because neo‐republicanism defines domination in terms of the capacity for arbitrary interference, but many prejudiced actions do not involve physical coercion, threats, or any other behavior typically described (...)
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  32. Rationality, inconsistency, and partial structures.Otavio Bueno & Newton da Costa - manuscript
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    An Inexplicable Effect of Imagination. Mothers’ Imagination and Its Impact on the Perceptions and Body of the Fetus. Successes and Refutations of the Malebranchist Paradigm in the 18th Century or the Fascinating Question of Psychophysical Interaction.Véronique Costa - 2024 - Iris 44.
    An error that medicine has long shared is to attribute to a desire or an effect of the mother’s imagination during gestation, the deformities, growths or spots that a child bears at birth. The imagination would be capable of imprinting external modifications on a matter and would have an impact on the perceptions and sensory development of the fetus. Returning briefly to the genealogy and posterity of the topos, this article focuses on the successes and refutations of the Malebranchist paradigm (...)
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    O Enfraquecimento Do Estado Democrático e a Questão da Predação Estatal.Bartolomeu dos Santos Costa - 2024 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 14 (28):53-66.
    O objetivo deste artigo é fazer uma discussão apontando para o enfraquecimento de Estados Democráticos como resultado de uma _Predação Estatal_. Predação estatal é utilizada aqui para designar um sucateamento e desordens no Estado como resultados de má administração, corrupção, entre outros fatores. Para tal, fez-se uma discussão/síntese inicial sobre a concepção de Estado/sociedade em John Rawls, buscando relacionar sua ideia de estado ideal com a concepção de Estado Democrático de Direito de autores como Rubens Casara, que, a princípio, dialoga (...)
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    Spinoza and the Hybrid Distinction of Attributes.Emanuele Costa - 2023 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 26 (1):28-53.
    In this paper, I address the issue of what kind of distinction separates the attributes of Spinoza’s substance. I propose to consider the distinction between attributes neither as a real distinction nor as a pure distinction of reason. Instead, I ventilate the alternative of understanding attributes as distinguished by a hybrid distinction, of which I trace the development during the Medieval and Early Modern eras. With the term hybrid, I capture distinctions which are neither a real distinction between substances or (...)
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    (1 other version)A atuação de forças centrípetas e centrífugas no discurso religioso sobre a pessoa com deficiência: reflexões a partir de Bakhtin e o Círculo.Dennis Souza da Costa & Ivana Siqueira Teixeira - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (2):e63573p.
    ABSTRACT This article analyzes the action of centripetal and centrifugal forces in utterances from the religious sphere, which reveal worldviews of the evangelical Christian segment regarding disability. For that, we selected a video available on YouTube, containing utterances by the hosts Tito Rocha and Leandro Quadros regarding disabilities, as well as the response of an internet user about the positioning of these individuals. The theoretical and methodological reflection is based on the dialogical orientation of language, considering dialogic relations, voices, and (...)
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    Moving the logic of sustainability towards flourishing‐for‐all.Nuno Guimarães-Costa, Géraldine Schmidt, Klaus-Peter Schulz & Sandra Waddock - forthcoming - Business and Society Review.
    Flourishing‐for‐all as emerged as a concept to respond to the apparent lack of capacity to translate the sustainability discourse into actual practices conducive to more sustainable societies. In this special issue, we assert that flourishing‐for‐all addresses the gap identified in the sustainability discourse that still needs conversion into practice, and that processes for catalyzing this necessary transformation need to be identified and implemented. The eight papers in this special issue address flourishing‐for‐all from different ontological, epistemological, and methodological perspectives, demonstrating a (...)
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  38.  26
    A New Formulation of Discussive Logic.Jerzy Kotas & N. C. A. da Costa - 1979 - Studia Logica 38 (4):429-445.
    S. Jaśkowski introduced the discussive propositional calculus D₂ as a basis for a logic which could be used as underlying logic of inconsistent but nontrivial theories. D₂ has afterwards been extended to a first-order predicate calculus and to a higher-order logic. In this paper we present a natural version of D₂, in the sense of Jaśkowski and Gentzen; as a consequence, we suggest a new formulation of the discussive predicate calculus. A semantics for the new calculus is also presented.
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  39. Italian Economia Aziendale as a Model Inspired by Catholic Humanism.Tommaso Ramus & Ericka Costa - 2015 - In Martin Schlag & Domènec Melé (eds.), Humanism in Economics and Business: Perspectives of the Catholic Social Tradition. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
  40.  20
    Os paradigmas como léxicos e exemplares na obra de Thomas Kuhn.Ana Clarice Rodrigues Costa - 2023 - Revista Ética E Filosofia Política 1 (26):8-28.
    No capítulo X de A Estrutura das Revoluções Científicas (1962) de Thomas Kuhn o conceito de paradigma figura como elemento filosófico central na tensão que se estabelece entre o âmbito perceptivo/cognitivo versus o âmbito ontológico do “problema da mudança de mundo”. No presente artigo, apresento alguns desdobramentos do conceito de paradigma com o objetivo de indicar dois sentidos principais para o termo subjacentes às formulações kuhnianas no capítulo X e que são desenvolvidos na obra tardia do autor, a saber: (1) (...)
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    Filosofia da mente.José Avelino Costa - 2024 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 33 (65):89-112.
    O principal objectivo deste artigo é comparar uma figura da história da filosofia contemporânea que poderíamos considerar relativamente distante de nós – Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) – com um autor vivo – John Searle (1932-). Parte-se da filosofia da mente de John Searle, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à intencionalidade e à filosofia da linguagem e explora-se a possível relação com Husserl, tendo por chave o fenómeno da intencionalidade. Outros aspectos analisados são a consciência e a percepção. O artigo termina com (...)
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    Introduction.Emanuele Costa - 2023 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 11 (2):9-11.
    The concept of expression grounds a large portion of Spinoza’s metaphysics, giving further depth to seemingly foundational concepts such as substance, causality, attribute, and essence. Spinoza adopts the term “expression” in crucial contexts such as the definition of attribute, the essential dependence of modes on substance, and the striving or effort of a finite conatus. In this essay, I seek to interpret expression as an instance of relational or structural ontology, escaping the reductionist tendencies that would see it as a (...)
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    A Spinozist defense of trope theory.Emanuele Costa - 2023 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 61 (3):439-456.
    Trope theory and Spinoza's metaphysics apparently present two incompatible ontological landscapes. Spinoza assigns a strong metaphysical priority to a grounding substance and describes common objects as adjectival upon such substance. By contrast, several contemporary trope theories attempt to reduce all substances (both universal and particular) to bundles of individual properties. In this article, I motivate, defend, and develop a compatible reading of Spinozism and trope theories. This interpretation provides new reasons to take seriously some of the most controversial of Spinoza's (...)
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    kLog: A language for logical and relational learning with kernels.Paolo Frasconi, Fabrizio Costa, Luc De Raedt & Kurt De Grave - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence 217 (C):117-143.
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    David of Dinant and Negative Panentheism.Emanuele Costa - 2022 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 25 (2):352-374.
    During the Middle Ages, heterodox applications of crucial tenets of Aristotle’s philosophy led philosophers to explore connections and suggestions that would have not been acceptable for the Stagirite. In this essay, I explore the conflagration of two such Aristotelian (or pseudo-Aristotelian) theses. First, I investigate the notion that prime matter cannot have any properties (as described, among others, by Simplicius and Aquinas); secondly, I take into account the thesis that no property can substantially be predicated of God (John Damascene, Pseudo-Dionysius, (...)
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    La Teoría y Las Razones. Primer Encuentro Latinoamericano de Filosofía Antigua.Ivana Costa - 2006 - Méthexis 19 (1):177-183.
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    Educação e Formação Do Espírito Burguês: Um Retrato Do Papel da Escola Na Manutenção Do Sistema Capitalista.Diego Silva Rodrigues da Costa & José Mateus Bido - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 29 (29):218-233.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar as bases nacionais que constituem a formação do homem burguês e a estruturação do processo educacional que se inicia a partir do século XVII, culminando no florescimento da escola pública na França no século XIX, estendendo-se paulatinamente no Brasil no século XX. O artigo tem como problema investigar se o modelo formativo estruturado na sociedade brasileira contemporaneamente envolve a formação integral do cidadão ou apenas o seu ajustamento à dinâmica social. Face às condições histórico-sociais (...)
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    The Role of Affective Empathy in Eliminating Discrimination Against Women: a Conceptual Proposition.Michaela Guthridge, Tania Penovic, Maggie Kirkman & Melita J. Giummarra - 2023 - Human Rights Review 24 (3):433-456.
    Due to its wide-ranging reservations and lack of effective enforcement mechanisms the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) has failed to dismantle widespread and systemic discrimination. The present paper proposes a broad, theoretical, preventive and relational approach to creating and enhancing the effectiveness of novel interventions to accelerate gender equality. We describe the main elements of affective empathy (i.e. intersubjectivity, multisensory engagement and empathic embodiment) and identify potential interventions that build on those elements to (...)
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  49. A Burning Question: Einstein's Paradox of Correlations.Olivier Costa De Beauregard - 1980 - Diogenes 28 (110):83-97.
    In 1927 at the fifth Solvay Council, that reunited all the aristocracy of theoretical physics, Einstein, regarding with solicitude the new-born “quantum mechanics” of Louis de Broglie, Schrödinger, Heisenberg and Dirac, discerned with his usual sagacity an indelible mark that was destined to become, with time, a subject of passionate discussion among those whose vocation is to adulate this enigmatic and capricious personality.In 1926 Born had given the prophetic stroke to the portrait. Turning to probability as to the official factotum (...)
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    A constituição de si como singularidade qualquer na forma-de-vida: uma proposta ética de Giorgio Agamben.William Costa Costa - 2023 - Dois Pontos 19 (3).
    O artigo defende a tese de que o vínculo entre as categorias de singularidade qualquer e forma-de-vida é extremamente importante no projeto de ética imanente e contingente em Giorgio Agamben. Para sustentar essa tese, estruturamos o artigo em duas partes: (i) primeiramente, analisamos como a indeterminação entre regra (Regula) e vida (Vita) produz um modo de viver inerente ao ser humano que a vive. Esse modo ou essa forma-de-vida tem como um de seus exemplos primais o modelo de vida dos (...)
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